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2023-05-10 09:04:27   来源:网络



新概念英语第四册精彩句子 课文8:贸易标准

1、 Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables.


2、 An electric razor that meets the European Union"s safety standards must be approved by American testers before it can be sold in the United States, and an American-made dialysis machine needs the EU"s okay before is hits the market in Europe.


3、 As it happens, a razor that is safe in Europe is unlikely to electrocute Americans. So, ask businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, why have two lots of tests where one would do?


3、 They hope to finish in time for a trade summit between America and the EU on May 28TH. Although negotiators are optimistic, the details are complex enough that they may be hard-pressed to get a deal at all.


4、Why? One difficulty is to construct the agreements. The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and them hammer out different pacts covering, say, electronic goods and drug manufacturing.

为什么呢?困难之一是起草这些协议。美国人很愿意就医疗器械的标准达成一个协议,然后推敲出不同的合同,用以涵盖 —— 比如说 —— 电子产品和药品的生产。

5、The EU —— following fine continental traditions —— wants agreement on general principles, which could be applied to many types of products and perhaps extended to other countries.





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